Bitwarden is updating its password manager browser extension with a range of new features aimed at better protecting its users and creating a more intuitive user interface.

The first of the changes comes with Bitwarden’s UI. The extension has a significantly more streamlined UI that caters to first-time password manager users. It also features updated colors, layouts, and typography. The new Item View feature has also been reorganized and labels have more detail so users better understand what they’re looking at.

Alongside these changes, the UI will have more customization features, including a dark mode, compact mode, and an adjustable window size. Bitwarden users will now have ways to tailor their password managers’ appearance to their liking.

They also added a New button, which is used to easily create a new entry in your vault, plus an update to the auto-fill feature that will make it much more convenient to fill your passwords in one click. They also improved the copy functionality, bringing it more in line with other modern offerings.

Several old windows have been combined into one tab. Now integrated searching and filling is handled on one page. This makes it quick to organize and find vault items, collections, and folders that you’ve created. The result is a smoother and more intuitive customer experience.

Bitwarden got feedback from hundreds of its users and incorporated their notes into improving every aspect of its browser extension.

“Bitwarden is continuously iterating, and user feedback remains at the heart of the Bitwarden experience,” Bitwarden said in a blog post. “The Bitwarden mission has always been to empower everyone to take control of their digital security, and the redesigned browser extension is another step forward in delivering on that mission.”

The redesigned browser extension is now live. Current subscribers can install it and begin using it right away.