Managed Security Services

Industry Analysts Call Trustwave Security Colony a Vital Tool for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Industry Analysts Call Trustwave Security Colony a Vital Tool for Enhanced Cybersecurity 2024-09-19 at 19:46 By Security Colony may not have the name recognition of some of Trustwave’s other security products and services, but when experts discuss and measure Trustwave’s strengths, this repository of knowledge is almost inevitably brought up in the conversation. For example, […]

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Industry Analysts Call Trustwave Security Colony a Vital Tool for Enhanced Cybersecurity Read More »

The First Step in Creating an Offensive Security Program: Managed Vulnerability Scanning

The First Step in Creating an Offensive Security Program: Managed Vulnerability Scanning 2024-09-18 at 16:01 By An offensive security program is an excellent component of a mature cybersecurity program, but kicking off that process can be overwhelming for some organizations.  This article is an excerpt from Trustwave Blog View Original Source React to this headline:

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The First Step in Creating an Offensive Security Program: Managed Vulnerability Scanning Read More »

Distributed Denial of Truth (DDoT): The Mechanics of Influence Operations and The Weaponization of Social Media

Distributed Denial of Truth (DDoT): The Mechanics of Influence Operations and The Weaponization of Social Media 2024-09-13 at 16:01 By Jose Tozo With the US election on the horizon, it’s a good time to explore the concept of social media weaponization and its use in asymmetrically manipulating public opinion through bots, automation, AI, and shady

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Distributed Denial of Truth (DDoT): The Mechanics of Influence Operations and The Weaponization of Social Media Read More »

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