Trend Micro Research : APT & Targeted Attacks

TIDRONE Targets Military and Satellite Industries in Taiwan

TIDRONE Targets Military and Satellite Industries in Taiwan 2024-09-06 at 12:49 By Our research reveals that an unidentified threat cluster we named TIDRONE have shown significant interest in military-related industry chains, particularly in the manufacturers of drones. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React to this […]

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TIDRONE Targets Military and Satellite Industries in Taiwan Read More »

Threat Actors Target the Middle East Using Fake Palo Alto GlobalProtect Tool

Threat Actors Target the Middle East Using Fake Palo Alto GlobalProtect Tool 2024-08-29 at 12:16 By Threat actors are targeting users in the Middle East by distributing sophisticated malware disguised as the Palo Alto GlobalProtect tool. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React to this headline:

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Threat Actors Target the Middle East Using Fake Palo Alto GlobalProtect Tool Read More »

A Dive into Earth Baku’s Latest Campaign

A Dive into Earth Baku’s Latest Campaign 2024-08-09 at 07:16 By Since late 2022, Earth Baku has broadened its scope from the Indo-Pacific region to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Their latest operations demonstrate sophisticated techniques, such as exploiting public-facing applications like IIS servers for initial access and deploying the Godzilla webshell for command

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A Dive into Earth Baku’s Latest Campaign Read More »

Behind the Great Wall: Void Arachne Targets Chinese-Speaking Users With the Winos 4.0 C&C Framework

Behind the Great Wall: Void Arachne Targets Chinese-Speaking Users With the Winos 4.0 C&C Framework 2024-06-19 at 10:17 By We recently discovered a new threat actor group that we dubbed Void Arachne. This group targets Chinese-speaking users with malicious Windows Installer (MSI) files in a recent campaign. These MSI files contain legitimate software installer files

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Behind the Great Wall: Void Arachne Targets Chinese-Speaking Users With the Winos 4.0 C&C Framework Read More »

Decoding Water Sigbin’s Latest Obfuscation Tricks

Decoding Water Sigbin’s Latest Obfuscation Tricks 2024-05-30 at 08:09 By Water Sigbin (aka the 8220 Gang) exploited the Oracle WebLogic vulnerabilities CVE-2017-3506 and CVE-2023-21839 to deploy a cryptocurrency miner using a PowerShell script. The threat actor also adopted new techniques to conceal its activities, making attacks harder to defend against. This article is an excerpt

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Decoding Water Sigbin’s Latest Obfuscation Tricks Read More »

Tracking the Progression of Earth Hundun’s Cyberespionage Campaign in 2024

Tracking the Progression of Earth Hundun’s Cyberespionage Campaign in 2024 2024-05-16 at 10:46 By This report describes how Waterbear and Deuterbear — two of the tools in Earth Hundun’s arsenal — operate, based on a campaign from 2024. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React to

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Tracking the Progression of Earth Hundun’s Cyberespionage Campaign in 2024 Read More »

Router Roulette: Cybercriminals and Nation-States Sharing Compromised Networks

Router Roulette: Cybercriminals and Nation-States Sharing Compromised Networks 2024-05-01 at 12:16 By This blog entry aims to highlight the dangers of internet-facing routers and elaborate on Pawn Storm’s exploitation of EdgeRouters, complementing the FBI’s advisory from February 27, 2024. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React

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Router Roulette: Cybercriminals and Nation-States Sharing Compromised Networks Read More »

Cyberespionage Group Earth Hundun’s Continuous Refinement of Waterbear and Deuterbear

Cyberespionage Group Earth Hundun’s Continuous Refinement of Waterbear and Deuterbear 2024-04-11 at 13:16 By Our blog entry provides an in-depth analysis of Earth Hundun’s Waterbear and Deuterbear malware. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React to this headline:

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Cyberespionage Group Earth Hundun’s Continuous Refinement of Waterbear and Deuterbear Read More »

Earth Freybug Uses UNAPIMON for Unhooking Critical APIs

Earth Freybug Uses UNAPIMON for Unhooking Critical APIs 2024-04-02 at 09:01 By This article provides an in-depth look into two techniques used by Earth Freybug actors: dynamic-link library (DLL) hijacking and application programming interface (API) unhooking to prevent child processes from being monitored via a new malware we’ve discovered and dubbed UNAPIMON. This article is

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Earth Freybug Uses UNAPIMON for Unhooking Critical APIs Read More »

Earth Krahang Exploits Intergovernmental Trust to Launch Cross-Government Attacks

Earth Krahang Exploits Intergovernmental Trust to Launch Cross-Government Attacks 2024-03-18 at 12:02 By Since early 2022, we have been monitoring an APT campaign that targets several government entities worldwide, with a strong focus in Southeast Asia, but also seen targeting Europe, America, and Africa. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and

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Earth Krahang Exploits Intergovernmental Trust to Launch Cross-Government Attacks Read More »

Threat Actor Groups, Including Black Basta, are Exploiting Recent ScreenConnect Vulnerabilities

Threat Actor Groups, Including Black Basta, are Exploiting Recent ScreenConnect Vulnerabilities 2024-02-27 at 10:18 By This blog entry gives a detailed analysis of these recent ScreenConnect vulnerabilities. We also discuss our discovery of threat actor groups, including Black Basta and Bl00dy Ransomware gangs, that are actively exploiting CVE-2024-1708 and CVE-2024-1709 based on our telemetry. This

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Threat Actor Groups, Including Black Basta, are Exploiting Recent ScreenConnect Vulnerabilities Read More »

Earth Lusca Uses Geopolitical Lure to Target Taiwan Before Elections

Earth Lusca Uses Geopolitical Lure to Target Taiwan Before Elections 2024-02-26 at 08:42 By During our monitoring of Earth Lusca, we noticed a new campaign that used Chinese-Taiwanese relations as a social engineering lure to infect selected targets. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React to

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Earth Lusca Uses Geopolitical Lure to Target Taiwan Before Elections Read More »

Earth Preta Campaign Uses DOPLUGS to Target Asia

Earth Preta Campaign Uses DOPLUGS to Target Asia 2024-02-20 at 11:55 By In this blog entry, we focus on Earth Preta’s campaign that employed a variant of the DOPLUGS malware to target Asian countries. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News and Perspectives View Original Source React to this headline:

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Earth Preta Campaign Uses DOPLUGS to Target Asia Read More »

Pawn Storm Uses Brute Force and Stealth Against High-Value Targets

Pawn Storm Uses Brute Force and Stealth Against High-Value Targets 2024-01-31 at 10:02 By Based on our estimates, from approximately April 2022 until November 2023, Pawn Storm attempted to launch NTLMv2 hash relay attacks through different methods, with huge peaks in the number of targets and variations in the government departments that it targeted. This

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Pawn Storm Uses Brute Force and Stealth Against High-Value Targets Read More »

Void Rabisu Targets Female Political Leaders with New Slimmed-Down ROMCOM Variant

Void Rabisu Targets Female Political Leaders with New Slimmed-Down ROMCOM Variant 13/10/2023 at 11:02 By Almost a year after Void Rabisu shifted its targeting from opportunistic ransomware attacks with an emphasis on cyberespionage, the threat actor is still developing its main malware, the ROMCOM backdoor. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News

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Void Rabisu Targets Female Political Leaders with New Slimmed-Down ROMCOM Variant Read More »

APT34 Deploys Phishing Attack With New Malware

APT34 Deploys Phishing Attack With New Malware 29/09/2023 at 12:17 By We observed and tracked the advanced persistent threat (APT) APT34 group with a new malware variant accompanying a phishing attack comparatively similar to the SideTwist backdoor malware. Following the campaign, the group abused a fake license registration form of an African government agency to

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APT34 Deploys Phishing Attack With New Malware Read More »

Examining the Activities of the Turla APT Group

Examining the Activities of the Turla APT Group 22/09/2023 at 13:02 By We examine the campaigns of the cyberespionage group known as Turla over the years, with a special focus on the key MITRE techniques and the corresponding IDs associated with the threat actor group. This article is an excerpt from Trend Micro Research, News

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Examining the Activities of the Turla APT Group Read More »

Attacks on 5G Infrastructure From Users’ Devices

Attacks on 5G Infrastructure From Users’ Devices 20/09/2023 at 11:03 By Crafted packets from cellular devices such as mobile phones can exploit faulty state machines in the 5G core to attack cellular infrastructure. Smart devices that critical industries such as defense, utilities, and the medical sectors use for their daily operations depend on the speed,

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Attacks on 5G Infrastructure From Users’ Devices Read More »

Earth Lusca Employs New Linux Backdoor, Uses Cobalt Strike for Lateral Movement

Earth Lusca Employs New Linux Backdoor, Uses Cobalt Strike for Lateral Movement 18/09/2023 at 14:32 By While monitoring Earth Lusca, we discovered an intriguing, encrypted file on the threat actor’s server — a Linux-based malware, which appears to originate from the open-source Windows backdoor Trochilus, which we’ve dubbed SprySOCKS due to its swift behavior and

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Earth Lusca Employs New Linux Backdoor, Uses Cobalt Strike for Lateral Movement Read More »

Earth Estries Targets Government, Tech for Cyberespionage

Earth Estries Targets Government, Tech for Cyberespionage 30/08/2023 at 12:46 By We break down a new cyberespionage campaign deployed by a cybercriminal group we named Earth Estries. Analyzing the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed, we observed overlaps with the advanced persistent threat (APT) group FamousSparrow as Earth Estries targets governments and organizations in the

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