If you’re considering taking your food business online or starting a new venture, creating a website might seem overwhelming. You might be worried about the time it will take, the technical skills required, or the costs involved. Whether starting from scratch or bringing your existing business to the web, you need a solution that’s both easy to use and affordable.

The good news is that setting up an online food store doesn’t have to be complicated. With the right tools, you can create a professional-looking website that showcases your products, manages orders efficiently, and helps you reach more customers. A website builder like Wix can make this process as smooth as possible, offering pre-built templates and user-friendly features that allow you to get started quickly, even if you have no technical background.

Imagine having a fully functional online store that reflects your brand, where customers can easily browse, order, and pay for your products. Wix simplifies the process and provides everything you need to grow your business, from SEO tools to marketing integrations. This step-by-step guide will show you how to set up your food store with ease.

Kickstarting Your Online Food Business

Define Your Niche and Target Audience

Wix Snack Bar Company template for online food stores
Look how gorgeous Wix’s “Snack Bar Company” template is!

To stand out in the online food market, think of what you specialize in and who your target customers are in a particular food category. For example, you could offer organic snacks for toddlers or grab-and-go plant-based meals for busy professionals.

Begin by observing what your competitors are doing – this can reveal successful trends. Engaging directly with potential customers through surveys or polls can also be invaluable. You might discover a specific demand in the market that you can uniquely fulfill, helping your business carve out its own space and attract a dedicated customer base.

Analyze Market Trends

Track peak sales periods, such as holidays, and monitor popular flavors, ingredients, and dietary preferences, such as vegan, keto, or low-sugar options. For example, if you run an online bakery, you can sell vegan pumpkin spice muffins that align with autumn trends. Adapting your offerings to match trends can keep your business competitive and appealing to customers.

Handle Legal Matters

You must comply with all legal requirements when selling food online to ensure your business runs smoothly. This includes adhering to food safety regulations, proper labeling, and securing any necessary licenses. Be sure to understand local cottage food laws if you’re planning to sell food online from home.

Calculate the Costs

To calculate your costs accurately, consider whether you’ll focus on certain ingredient types, like local and exotic ingredients, or offer unique packaging, such as biodegradable wrappers and shaped cardboard boxes. Next, think about how you’ll source your products. Will you work with local suppliers, or will you need to import specialty items?

After you’ve defined your brand and sourcing strategy, it’s time to create a budget. List all potential expenses, including ingredients, packaging, shipping, and marketing. Don’t forget the cost of using a website builder, too. Include both one-time and ongoing costs to get a clear picture of your financial needs.

Finally, plan for the future. Consider how your costs might change as your business grows. As your business scales, you might need to invest in more inventory, upgrade your website plan, or hire additional help.

Choose the Right Platform To Sell Your Food

When deciding where to sell your food online, consider a platform that offers you complete control over your store and its presentation. While selling on platforms like Amazon or social media might seem convenient, these options often come with higher fees and limited branding opportunities. Building your own online store with a website builder like Wix provides flexibility and freedom.

Wix Supermarket template for online food stores
Use a template as a starting point and tailor it to your brand’s unique style

Wix allows you to create a custom website tailored specifically to your food business. Unlike prebuilt marketplaces that restrict how you list your products and take a significant cut of your profits, Wix lets you design your store exactly how you want it. You can set your own prices, manage your inventory, and utilize advanced marketing tools to reach your audience effectively.

Wix's generate design with AI and customize a template page
Generating my site’s design with Wix’s AI site builder took me around 20 minutes

Wix is incredibly user-friendly, making it easy for you to build a professional-looking site without needing technical skills. Choose from a variety of templates designed for food stores and customize them to match your brand’s identity. With Wix, you can even use AI to generate a unique website based on your preferences. Best of all, you can set up and launch your website for free.

In the following sections, I’ll walk you through the process of setting up your online food store on Wix step by step.

Choose a Good Name for Your Online Store

When choosing a name for your online food store, it’s best to match your store name with your domain name. A domain name is the web address customers type into their browser to find your store. Keeping your store name and domain name consistent makes it easier for customers to remember and find your business online.

To choose a name that will serve your site well, keep it simple, memorable, and reflective of your brand. Avoid names that are long or difficult to spell, as these can create barriers for potential customers. Including keywords related to your food products can also make your site easier to find through search engines.

It’s important to note that a domain name is a separate cost from your website builder plan. However, Wix offers a free domain for the first 12 months with every paid plan, which is a great way to save on initial costs while establishing your online presence. Many website builders, including Wix, also provide domain name search tools to help you check the availability of your desired name and suggest alternatives if needed.

Customize Your Food Store

First, sign up for a Wix account. You can easily create an account using your Google, Apple, or Facebook credentials. Once you’re signed in, Wix will guide you through a series of questions to understand your needs better, leading you to your dashboard. In your dashboard, click on Design Site to start customizing your store. You’ll have two options: Generate a Design with AI or Customize a Template.

Using Wix's AI bot for online food store creation
Talking with Wix’s AI chatbot is like briefing your own website developer

Using the AI builder can save time by generating a website for you within seconds, but it usually results in a single-page design. If you need additional pages, like an About or Contact page, you can adjust the site structure or add them later in the editor.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach, select Customize a Template. Wix offers various templates designed for food businesses. Choose one that fits the style of your food store. Once you’ve selected a template, you’ll enter the Wix Editor to begin personalizing your site.

Wix online food store templates
Wix has 16 templates tailored for a food store

Click on any image or text box in the editor to edit its content. Replace the stock images with high-quality photos of your food products, and update the text to include your store’s name, a catchy slogan, and a brief description of what you offer. Wix’s AI tools can also assist in generating text and images if needed.

Wix Add Elements menu
Add headers, images, and more by clicking on the left sidebar’s Add Elements button

You can add elements like text, images, and buttons from the left-hand menu to enhance your site’s visual appeal and functionality. You can also add new sections to your homepage or create entirely new pages as needed. By clicking on Site Design, you can change the color scheme, text styles, and page backgrounds to ensure your site reflects the spirit of your food business.

At this stage, focus on making high-impact customizations that create a visually appealing and easy-to-navigate store that captures the essence of your brand.

Add Your Food Items as Products

From the dashboard, select the Store Products tab under the Catalog section. This will take you to the Products area, where you can begin listing your food items.

Wix New Product button
You can always edit your product in case of any changes

Click the New Product button in the top-right corner and choose Physical product. This opens a new product page where you can upload details about your food items. Then, add high-quality images of your products. Use photos with neutral or white backgrounds to keep the focus on the food. Multiple angles, like top, side, and close-up views, can give customers a complete look at what they’re buying. Including images of the packaging can also enhance the appeal.

Wix Product info box
Let your creativity shine in the product description

After your images are uploaded, move on to the product details section. Enter the product name, price, and a detailed description that highlights what makes your food special. Use descriptive language that appeals to the senses to bring your products to life for potential buyers. For example, instead of simply listing “spaghetti sauce,” you could describe it as “a rich, savory tomato sauce with a blend of fresh basil and garlic.”

Wix product categories
Use product categories to help customers easily find what they’re looking for

If you offer different flavors, sizes, or other variations of your food items, use the Product options section to add these details. You can also adjust pricing and stock levels for each variant. Additionally, Wix provides options for pre-orders and subscriptions. Enabling these features can help you manage customer expectations and boost sales, especially if you offer regular deliveries or special, limited-time products.

Update Your Store Settings and Payment Information

Wix Checkout settings page
Wix lets you add custom fields and conditional rules to your checkout form

To update your store settings, start by selecting Settings from the left-hand menu in your Wix dashboard. From there, navigate to the Checkout section to customize the form your customers will fill out when making a purchase. Be sure to include fields for email addresses and phone numbers, especially if you plan on sending marketing emails or SMS updates. Enable the Subscription opt-in checkbox so customers can easily join your email and SMS lists.

Wix Accept Payments settings page
Remember to set your business location before connecting payment methods

Next, return to the Settings menu and go to the Accept Payments section. Wix provides multiple payment methods to suit your customers’ preferences. Common options include major credit and debit cards like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

You can also offer digital wallets like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. If your food products come with a higher price tag or are sold in bulk, consider enabling installment payment plans through services like Afterpay.

Then, head to the Orders section under the Sales tab in the left sidebar. Here, you can set delivery times, manage pickup locations, and configure automated notifications to keep customers informed about their orders. You can also create incentives like discounts or special offers to encourage more online sales.

Preview and Launch Your Food Store

Before launching your food store, carefully review and test every aspect of your website. Start by checking how your site looks on both desktop and mobile devices to ensure that all content, images, and videos are displayed correctly. Be sure to catch any spelling or grammatical errors that might make your store appear unprofessional.

Online food store sample using Wix's site builder
A sneak peek at my website, designed using Wix’s AI website builder

Test all interactive features on your site. Click through every navigation menu, button, and link to confirm they’re functioning properly and directing to the correct pages. Test any e-commerce features, such as adding items to the cart and proceeding through the checkout process to make sure everything works smoothly from start to finish. If your store includes scheduling or booking options for pickup times, catering, or workshops, test these features as well.

Simulate the entire shopping experience from a customer’s perspective. Check product variants, such as different sizes or flavors, to see if they’re correctly displayed and easy to select. Make sure that promotional discounts, taxes, and shipping costs are accurately applied during checkout. Also, verify that confirmation emails are sent promptly and include the correct details.

Finally, run a speed test on your website to ensure it loads quickly. A slow site can deter potential customers and negatively impact your search engine rankings. Use a tool like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to check your site’s performance on both desktop and mobile devices. To optimize load times, consider compressing images, minimizing the use of heavy scripts, and leveraging browser caching.

Start Selling on Amazon, eBay, and Social Media

Expanding your food sales to platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media can greatly increase your visibility and revenue. One of Wix’s strengths is its ability to seamlessly integrate these platforms directly from your dashboard.

To get started, go to the Sales Channels section under Catalog in your Wix dashboard. Here, you can connect your store with platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media networks, including TikTok.

TikTok integration app in Wix's App Market
You can also go to Wix’s App Market to install social media integration apps

Any changes you make to your food products in your Wix store will automatically update across all connected platforms, ensuring consistency and saving you time. Food products often perform particularly well on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, where you can create and share visually appealing content that resonates with your audience.

Promote Your Online Food Store

One of the most effective ways to promote your online food store is by optimizing your site for search engines. Wix offers a variety of search engine optimization (SEO) tools that can help improve your site’s ranking on search engines, making it easier for potential customers to find you. By incorporating relevant keywords related to your food products, you can increase your chances of appearing in search results when people are looking to buy food online.

Another powerful strategy is to start an email marketing campaign. Email marketing allows you to reach out directly to customers who have shown interest in your products. You can send newsletters, promotions, and updates to keep your audience engaged. If you’re new to email marketing, consider exploring some of the best email marketing services to get started.

Social media can also be a highly effective platform for promoting your food store, especially if your products are visually appealing. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are ideal for sharing mouth-watering photos and videos of your food, which can drive traffic to your site. To manage your social media campaigns efficiently, you might want to check out top social media management tools.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the tasks involved in promoting your store, consider getting help from a professional. Many freelancers specialize in building and promoting online stores, often at very affordable rates. You can find skilled experts on freelance websites who can take this burden off your shoulders and ensure your store gets the attention it deserves.

Remember, promoting your site is a long-term investment that requires both time and money. While your SEO and marketing efforts are building momentum, you can achieve quicker results by selling on platforms like Amazon, eBay, and social media. This approach will help your products reach potential customers more quickly as you establish your online presence.

Make Money Selling Food Online With the Right Tools

Building a thriving online food business with website builders like Wix involves more than just launching your store. It’s essential to regularly track your website’s performance and keep your content fresh.

This includes updating your food offerings, sharing new recipes or promotions, and staying engaged with your customers. Monitor your site’s analytics and continuously add appealing content to keep your business competitive and your customers returning for more.

But don’t let the bigger picture discourage you. The most important step is to get started. Begin by creating a simple, well-organized store that showcases your food products. Once your store is up and running, you can refine and expand it as your business grows. Remember, every successful food business starts with a single crucial step: getting your online store live and ready to serve your customers today.


How can I promote my food online?

Focus on visually appealing content and targeted marketing strategies. Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok are particularly powerful for food businesses, allowing you to reach a broad audience through eye-catching posts and videos. Additionally, consider running email campaigns to keep customers informed about new products and promotions.

Can I scale my business with Wix?

Yes, Wix is designed to grow with your business. It offers a range of tools that make it easy to expand your online store as your food business evolves. You can add more products, integrate with other sales channels like Amazon and eBay, and utilize advanced marketing features to reach a larger audience.

Do you have to pay to sell on Wix?

Yes, you should subscribe to a paid plan if your online food site requires full e-commerce functionality. While Wix offers a free plan to help you get started, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan to unlock features necessary for selling food online, such as accepting payments and managing orders.

Where is the best place to sell food online?

Your own website provides the most control and flexibility. Selling food directly from your own online store allows you to create a unique brand experience and manage every aspect of your business, from pricing to customer interactions. Fortunately, creating your own online food store can be fast and easy with the help of the best website builders in 2024.